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I have been married to my depression for over ten years.

We've been through breakups,


And a long stint in a padded room.

I finally think it is time we get a divorce,

You see I'm finally finding a voice,

Finally seeing a choice in the fork of the road,

My soul has been in an orb of emotion.

Alas, there is a place I can get past that will Give Us Free.

A key!

That's all I needed in me.

I wanted to be free of the degree that was my insanity.

Ph.D. in mental break downs,

Awkward silences,

And that fleeting need in the back of my mind to Go.

Leave this scene

You are not welcome, you see?

Not in the world or even in your mind.

To live with depression feels to commit a crime.

Where did the time?


This was never a part of the show.

I rehearsed each line in my head.

I rehearsed yet said the things that I've said.

Done the things, I've done.


Yet I am more human for these mistakes.

It is confusing, high stakes.

You cannot fold or show your hand.

Only Option Left is playing it to the end.

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