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Haunted Chp 2

Chapter 2

There was an official, two happy people, and an audience. That's how he always described our

wedding day. He said that the audience was called that because our friends and family watched and reacted like one. I think he felt that way because truly we put on the best show. No one would know that the night before his hand had met my face and had already been a well known family friend in many of our arguments.

We met on the beach, a normal sunny hot day in Florida and he was playing catch with his friends. I was there with my sister and mother sun bathing before the sun became too much and we waded into the water. It was that precise moment that he noticed me. I had noticed him long before. The sun glistened against his muscles as he tossed the pig skin. A specimen of a man, I felt luck was on my side when he caught me watching him from my position by the shore.

He smiled perfect white teeth and I knew somehow I had snagged him. Yet what I had snagged was much to my surprise later. For now this moment he is my God and that thought is dangerous, heady, strong. You see I am no beautiful woman by any one's standards. My hair was the color of mud ad stringy even when dry.

My mom often said I looked like a perpetual wet dirty mop. My thin eyes and lips that somehow always seemed to be in scowl did not help in my case. A pointed chin that was too pointed, or perhaps my body overall was too thin which resulted in the cartoonish like point of my chin.

I was never supposed to catch the eyes of a God. Adonis himself graced the water with his presence to reach a hand out to clasp mine and place it upon his lips.

"I hope you don't think this is too forward but I couldn't keep my eyes off you. You are a vision," he is lying through his teeth. I'm okay with it. This is my greatest disaster.

"You keep talking like that and she'll blush," my mother said beside me and I looked over at her wary of the words that would come from her mouth.

"I hope to make her do that often, if she'll have me," he replied glancing at her and then back at me.

"I hope there are only decent thoughts in your head sir, I will not have my daughter treated like a piece of meat," she said it with a beautiful tone but my mothers warning was real.

"I only wish to have her acceptance to date," he was confident. It was something my mom admired in a man. I knew without my say so a date would happen.

My mother was controlling like that. She spoke for us often when a man approached and often one was sent away packing. This was the first one she seemed slightly pleased with.

She looked over at me and nodded her head once, firm.

"I would love to go out with you. It would be my pleasure however I do not even know your name," I blushed cherry when his lips met my hand again, the hand he had never released.

"My name is Russell and trust me you will not be disappointed." That was the first lie he ever told me.

"Nice to meet you Russell. My name is Kelly," I absolutely hated my basic name because my mom in fact named me after the Mattel toy doll.

"Lovely to meet you all. I should probably get back to my game," he released my hand to my disappointment and bowed his head slightly in respect before heading back to the shore.

"Little one, you won't get many chances like this with that mug of yours. Better grasp it with both hands," my mother spoke just above a whisper for me to hear. I had every intention of giving her exactly what she wanted : freedom from motherhood.

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