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My 6 Top Coping Mechanisms

Hello, my readers,

I am here addressing you to always reach out for help if you are feeling depressed. It is important to never give up healing yourself! Take care of yourself out there!


The National Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255

Here are my 6 Fav Coping Mechanisms. I hope this list inspires positive changes in your mental health goals.


I was told once opening the blinds/curtains to a house allows the spirits to escape and kept the bad energy out. I am All about good vibes and energy so I often like to let the natural light in to kill the bad juju. An added bonus is cracking the window to breathe in the fresh air especially if it has been a while since you have been outside.


It is scientifically proven taking deep breaths helps relieve stress and anxiety. I sometimes forget to breathe correctly at all (haha) so this is a step I have to consciously make. A few thoughtful breaths help me oftentimes in situations where I feel closed in or that I have no other options available. Well, when all fails there is one last option as long as you are living. Just Breath.


Meditation forces you to think outside your mind, expand your viewpoints, and find a gravitational center. My balance is always out of wack. I need to meditate a lot more. My favorite way to meditate is with ASMR soft-spoken videos to relax my mind before clearing my thoughts. A relaxed mind is prepared for the day and able to take on difficult tasks.


Crying is therapeutic. It allows you a moment to release your emotions and really let go. I tend to hold on a lot throughout the day, especially when I am working so sometimes an end of the day cry helps get me back on track. Better out than in, as they say!


Screaming! Is! Necessary! Sometimes! Do not scream at or toward people. Screaming alone or in a group, however, can be a quick stress relief. Let it out! Just make sure to use a pillow or go to a place where screaming will not result in unnecessary cop calls. Safety First!


Take a moment to appreciate the small things. Enjoying a moment harbors appreciation for the now. You only have today, this moment, so make the most out of it. Breath through your insecurities. You Can Enjoy Now. You Can Conquer Today! Even a moment where you lay in bed in silence can be enjoyable especially when compared to a noisy workday. Taking more moments to appreciate will eventually lead to a life with a more positive mindset, or so I am telling myself this lol!

Thank you for joining me on my journey. Every post is a reflection of myself and in no way stating these things will solve all your issues with depression or anxiety. I, however, hope that it helps you as it has for me in the past!

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